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Water System Master Plans
Various Locations Throughout Georgia

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Long-term and short-term planning of water and sewer systems is an essential service
that EMI provides its clients. Many municipalities have engaged EMI to develop a
Water System Master Plan as a planning and engineering tool to provide a framework
for future expansion of the water system and develop orderly expansion with goals.


Projects of special note include:

Hart County Water and Sewer Utility Authority
The Water Master Plan for HCWSUA was developed for the water service delivery area throughout the County. The Water Master Plan is suitable for obtaining long-range funding and/or grants and short- and long-term planning and addresses water supply, distribution, and storage. The Plan developed population projections and associated water supply demands and fire protection demands, county-wide pressure zones, a hydraulic computer model of the existing and proposed system, and cost estimates for proposed water improvement projects.

Lincoln County
The Water Master Plan for Lincoln County was developed  for the northern
section of the County and serves as the basis for design, construction, and financing
of facilities to meet the residential and commercial growth in the community. The
Water Master Plan addresses specific needs and goals of the County, analyzed existing
infrastructure and long-term water supply, water storage and fire protection,
developed a hydraulic computer model of the existing and proposed system, and cost
estimates for proposed water improvement projects.

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