Town of Braselton
Water System Improvements
Jackson and Barrow Counties, Georgia

The Town of Braselton, Georgia, recognized the need for additional water supply
through the purchase of wholesale water from Gwinnett and Jackson Counties.
Braselton enlisted the services of Engineering Management Inc. to develop a
three-phased approach to the program.
Phase 1 consisted of over 18 miles of 12”, 10” and 8” water mains to close loops
throughout the distribution system, and also open up new areas for expanded and
improved services.
Phase II included approximately eight miles of 16” and 12” water main for an
additional connection to the Gwinnett County System. This phase also included
the construction of a one million gallon elevated water tank.
Phase III consisted of approximately three miles of 12” water main, a booster
pumping station and a connection to the Jackson County water system.
Phase IV consisted of an additional one million gallon elevated water tank and
twelve miles of 2” to 16” water mains.