City of Hiawassee
Water Meter Replacement Project
Towns County, Georgia

The City of Hiawassee was experiencing aging water meters throughout the city’s
water system and was in need of replacement. As meters age, they become
inaccurate which can result in unmetered water loss. Studies have shown that by
replacing these old meters, the water efficiency may increase by as much as 12%
for each meter. Wireless automatic smart meter reading systems have been shown
to reduce household water consumption by 10.2% compared to households without
automatic meter read. Moreover, the meter replacements will reduce system
operation costs by reducing meter reading manpower and fuel consumption.
To help facilitate the meter replacement program, the City of Hiawassee contracted
with Engineering Management, Inc. to develop a plan of improvements. EMI
provided professional services for funding, bid document preparation, bid phase
management, and funding administration assistance.
The project included replacement and installation of 1,990 water meter
replacements, meter reading system, and associated appurtenances.